Contact Us
We are open Monday - Friday, 10:00am to 5:00pm
1106 6 Ave SW, Calgary Alberta, T2P 0W2
An appointment is recommended, as we occasionally have to step out of the studio or set aside some time to help another customer!
Where to find us in Downtown Calgary
We are on the sunny side of 6th Avenue S.W., the second building after 10th Street. You can turn right onto 10th Street, then left into the first lane (behind the Liquor Store) and park behind our studio. If you pass us on 6th, wave, then turn right at 11th Street, continue to 10th Street, turn right, then right at the lane (after the second brick building). Stop and view the ironstone pillars, hand cut one stone at a time by British stonemason Ray McLaughlin.
We are just one block from the C-Train "Kerby Centre/Downtown West" station.